Ryan Mahoney
Ryan’s background in wildlife biology includes bioacoustics, both with bats and marine mammals, environmental science, marine science, wildlife biology, and conservation biology. He brings an extensive amount of experience to our Board of Directors. Ryan is also one of the co-founders of Gotham Bat Conservancy, which was founded in response to the destructive white-nose syndrome and the widespread destruction of bat habitats, and serves as the President and Principal Biologist for the organization.
Through his leadership and expertise, Ryan is making a positive impact on bat conservation efforts and inspiring others to join him in his mission. He is deeply passionate about the natural world and its interconnectedness, and his work has shown the vital importance of preserving all species and their habitats. Overall, Ryan's dedication to environmental conservation and his leadership in bat conservation make him an invaluable asset to the Gotham Bat Conservancy and the wider community of conservationists.