Bat Sanctuaries

What are Bat Sanctuaries?

Bat sanctuaries are dedicated spaces designed to provide safe and suitable environments for bats to roost, breed, and forage. These sanctuaries play a crucial role in supporting bat populations and promoting their well-being. Within these protected areas, we create and maintain habitats that mimic the natural conditions bats require for survival as well as provide supplemental habitat structures.

Bat sanctuaries serve as havens for various bat species, including those that are endangered or threatened. By providing a safe refuge, we help protect bats from habitat loss, disease, and other threats they face. Additionally, Bat Sanctuaries offer opportunities for research and education, allowing us to deepen our understanding of bats' ecological importance and to share that knowledge with the wider community.

At Gotham Bat Conservancy, we are committed to the establishment and ongoing care and preservation of bat sanctuaries. We provide a variety of materials and support free of cost to support qualifying organizations and institutions that include bat conservation and educational programming. Qualifying organizations include (but are not limited to) Parks, Nonprofit Organizations, Land Trusts, and Conservancies looking to add conservation and restoration to their spaces.

If your organization would like to partner with GBC to establish a Bat Sanctuary, click the link below to tell us about how we can support your project.

Why We Need Bat Sanctuaries

  • Habitat Destruction

    Habitat destruction occurs when important habitats for shelter or the prey for bats are removed. Removal of trees (deforestation), development of open spaces for roads or buildings, and draining wetlands all reduce the natural habitat for bats.

  • Habitat Fragmentation

    Habitat fragmentation occurs when roads, farms, cities, and other development divide and isolate habitats. This form of habitat loss is especially dangerous to bats and other migratory animals as it makes traditional travel paths disappear or become more dangerous, with less food and shelter available along the way.

  • Habitat Degradation

    Habitat degradation occurs when chemicals or other factors cause an area to be unhealthy for bats, reducing the number of appropriate areas for them to live in. This can be a result of pesticide use, light pollution, or contaminated water. Invasive species can also drastically change an ecosystem and make areas unlivable.

GBC Provides Sanctuaries With:

  • Bat House Materials

    Bat Sanctuaries may be supplied with bat houses and other materials needed to install a bat house to provide supplemental habitat.

  • Native Plants and Native Seed Mixes

    GBC also provides native plants and native seed mixes to support forage habitat restoration within Bat Sanctuaries.

  • Native Trees

    Native tree containers may also be provided to support forest habitat restoration projects within Bat Sanctuaries.

  • Additional Support

    Additionally, GBC provides much-needed support to carry out restoration projects within Bat Sanctuaries by providing additional volunteer support to carry out the important work they do.