Adopt the Little Brown Bat

Protection Status

Federal: Under Review
New York: Not Listed
Connecticut: Endangered
Massachusetts: Endangered
Pennsylvania: Not Listed
New Jersey: Not Listed
Vermont: Endangered

About the Little Brown Bat

The little brown bat was once one of North America's most widespread bat species, ranging from the boreal forests of Alaska and Canada all the way south to Central Mexico. Once incredibly abundant, this species has experienced severe declines in eastern North America due to white-nose syndrome, causing particularly high mortality rates among Little Brown Bat populations (amongst many others).

While this species remains relatively common throughout much of its historical range, populations in northeastern North America have been particularly hard hit with many populations experiencing a population decline above 90%.

There is concern that the remaining populations of Little Brown Bats may also face declines in the future due to the ongoing threat of habitat destruction, degradation, and fragmentation. It is crucial for us to regularly review the conservation status of the Little Brown Bat as we learn more about the impacts of the threats they face. By adopting a little brown bat, you can help support conservation efforts aimed at protecting these bats and ensuring their survival for generations to come.